Corporate Social Responsibility

A Blood Donation camp was held in Suryadatta Group of Institutes at Bavdhan Campus

A Blood Donation camp was held in Suryadatta Group of Institutes at Bavdhan Campus, Pune by Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital’s Blood Bank on Saturday, 7 October 2017 from 10.30 AM to 4’O clock in the afternoon. All teaching and non-teaching staff members and students from MBA, PGDM and BBA, BCA, B.Com., Hotel Management participated enthusiastically in blood donation. More than 42 people donated blood. For blood donation weight of the person, blood pressure, age, hemoglobin as well as previous history was checked by the blood bank doctors. The arrangement was made for refreshment and relaxation for the blood donators after blood donation. The blood donation camp was successful in collecting enough blood for the hospital blood bank.

As a responsible corporate citizen and educational Institution, Suryadatta Group of Institutes does not lag behind in promoting various social awareness programmes and sensitizing and educating its students to be good corporate citizens. Every year, a minimum of 3 to 4 such programmes are organised. Through its Edu Socio Connect Suryadatta has been enabling sustainable development for the benefit of society.

You can book a Chauffeur Drive car for corporate events, board meetings and conferences or for travelling with work colleagues.

Edu-Socio Connect Initiative (CSR Activity) – Part-I

Edu-Socio Connect Initiative (CSR Activity) – Part-II

Women Empowerment is the need of the hour : Dr. Chordiya

We are moving in the 21st century. Equality of men and women are the culture in our country. Because of this the empowerment of women is the need of the hour. That was their sincere efforts to empower women in the family and training fashion designing with subject, the Group of Suryadatta Institute founder and President Dr. Sanjay choradiya said today. On behalf of the Group of the Suryadatta Institute and Rushikesh Sutar, Chandrakant Gogavale, Jyoti Konde had organized a month of training in fashion designing for women and girls from economically backward families. Fashion design training imparted to over 160 women, as a part of Suryadatta edu-socio initiative (women empowerment) Dr. Chordiya said. The MNS Pune City President Hemant Sambhus, Jyoti Konde and Chandrakant Gogawale, Rushikesh Sutar, Prof. Fulchand Chate and Coach Kalpana Shinde were present on this occasion. Economically backward women and girls have got the confidence through this training. In this field of Apparel and Garment stitching or fashion designing, 100 designs of jewelry designing, jam and jelly making, making of 36 types of spices, spoken English (for auto rickshaw drivers, railway cools) Baking classes, IT classes for senior citizens. Although the need for education and skills along with the knowledge and practical educated person in today’s world. If a woman is competent then she is able to do her family competent. ‘The institutions and faith Suryadatta Institute and Rushikesh Sutar, Chandrakant Gogawale, Jyoti Konde was taken jointly training classes of fashion Designing’, the Dr. Chordiya said. These activities will strengthen women’s financial strength. Suryadatta Institute has always implemented these kinds of activities. That is appreciating. From these activities women’s can definitely lead to ‘ache din’, Said Hemant Shambhus. ‘Recognizing the need for society to this initiative. The best way for women’s economic empowerment’, said Prof.Fulchand Chate. Rushikesh Sutar and Chandrakant Gogawale express their thoughts on this occasion. The program was anchored by Jyoti Konde

Suryadatta sculpts better Human Beings through humanitarian deeds;’ through Edu-Socio-Connect program says- Mr. Dhiraj Ghate

Through his nobles actions Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, Founder, Presidents & Chairman of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, who is believer of “Education to All”, always shows the way to follow his footsteps and inspires to outreach the needy deserving people of the society.

This year Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya and his daughter Dr. Kimya Chordiya’s Birthday was celebrated in a unique manner on the very opening day of the School and Junior College; 16th June 2016, by distributing school bags containing 10 Note Books & a compass box to 200 needy students from draught affected areas of Maharashtra. The generosity was executed through the students of Suryadatta National School, Bavdhan. (CBSE Affiliated). The very purpose of doing so is while extending the help, the young minds also should learn a lesson & emulate it when they are capable to do so. This indeed is a ‘Sanskar’; the Enculturation, which will be imbibed by the young generation of India.

Apparently the gesture may be monetarily evaluated as a small step but philosophically it is a step of ‘Vamna’, covering the entire universe. It is the squirrel’s help to Lord Rama in building the bridge across the ocean.

On this occasion, Shri Dhiraj Ghate, President of Sane Guruji Mandal, who was the chief guest recalled how he is associated with Dr. Chordiya’s Social work since the inception of Suryadatta Group of Institutes. He recalled that Suraydatta was pioneer in starting IT classes for the students in 1999 when the technology was new. He also said that at that time stalwarts like Mr. Nitin Gadkari and Mr. Manohar Parrikar had praised the social initiatives taken by Suryadatta Group of Institutes. Mr. Dhiraj Ghate emphasized that this is not an event but a moment which will continue in the draught situation in Maharashtra is totally eradicated.

He further elaborated that to commemorate the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the key creator of Indian Constitution it was pledged to reach and help 1,25,000 economically challenged students, belonging to farmers families from the draught affected areas of Latur, Beed, Vidarbha, Marathwada, to complete their education by providing them notebooks, school bags, stationary etc. which is their day to day requirement for the study purpose. He announced proudly that so far study material of worth Rs. 25,00,000/- has been collected and in the month of July it will be given to the above category students at the hands of honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadanvis.

Mr. Dhiraj Ghate cited few of his experiences of how students have stopped the celebrations of their birthdays or young generation stopped unwanted undesired expenditure of their marriage celebration and donated that part of sum for helping the draught affected students. After listening to such stories many students and teachers from Suryadatta vowed that they too will celebrate their special occasions by donating for such noble cause. Dr. Sanjay. B. Chordiya appealed that each organization and its members should extend help to best of their capacity for economically challenged and needy students. This will help to reduce the imbalance among the students belonging to different strata of the society. Dr. Kimaya Chordiya (M.D.) expressed her feelings by saying that celebrating the birthday in such manner has given her inner satisfaction and sense of belonging to the down trodden part of the society. She says that this is her art of living. Earlier in Dec 2015 Dr. S.B.Chordiya has motivated the student of Suryadatta Group of Institutes to collect food grains for the draught affected the farmer families of Maharashtra. The Collected Grains were sent to the needy, rural pockets of the Maharashtra through the Gram Panchayat members of Bavdhan. Dr. Sanjay. B. Chordiya propagates, “It is essential to build better character in students to make them better Human Beings and thus to transform our future young aspirators into efficient and effective Managers, Leaders & Entrepreneurs”.
Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya gave oath to his students by saying to draught affected students,

“ I learn, you also should learn”“I have, u also should have”“I Deserve, u also should deserve”

For his humanitarian deeds executed through students of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, we must salute the idea & Intention of such activities and say, “Chordiya Sir your institute is right place to sculpt out perfect Human Beings who will be the bright future of this country.”

Helmet Awareness Week Celebrated by Suryadatta National School
Suryadatta awarded certificates to coolie for successfully completing the course of elementary level of spoken English- conducted by Suryadatta Faculty at Railway Station

Suryadatta’s is conducting various social Initiatives for the sake of society. One of them conducted in the month of November and December 2014 is a Spoken English elementary level.

Under Suryadatta’s this Initiative, Few faculties of Suryadatta along with Students Volunteers were conducting classes at Pune Railway Station, for the porters for ‘Spoken English’ (Elementary Level). The classes were conducted for two batches, each batch of 40 porters. The purpose was to facilitate communicationbetween the coolies at Railway station and foreign passengers, passengers of North-East India, Southern India who are poor in Hindi Communicatio. At the end of the course, which was based on the input-given by Pune Railaway station Manager Shri Patil, a written exam was conducted and 18 coolies cleared the exam.

A special workshop of 4 hours of Mumbai ka Dabbawala was held for all the students of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, at its Bavdhan Campus. This workshop was attended by the porters also. Mr. Raghunath Medge, President of Dabbawala Association explained the history of the organization (nearly 150 years old), objective, working methodology, organization structure, policies, rules and regulations etc. he told the precision with which they work, the sense of discipline, touch of ‘Being Human’ during the work etc. this workshop was attended by Pune Railway Station Coolies along with the students of Suryadatta.

After the workshop was over the coolies who cleared the written exam of “Elementary Level of Spoken English’ were awarded the certificate of Merit for successful completion of the course of Elementary level Spoken English, at he hand of Mr. Raghunath Medge: President NMTSA. Mr. Medge said that he has gone to no any Educational Institutes so far for ‘Mumbai Ka Dabbawala’ Workshp but has never seen such awreness of Social Responsibility anywhere. Mr. Sandeep Khardekar, General Secretary BJP who was present in the workshop as Chief Guest applauded the work of Suraydatta Institutes. He said Suryadatta is not only producing tomorrow’s corporate leaders only but sculpting our find human beings of each & every student through its social initiative.

Mr. Babaji Khandu Dhore, the porter of Pune Railway Station (Badge no. 206) spoke on behalf of all the porters who took advantage of this course. He expressed his feelings of gratitude. He said in the morning when I say ‘Good Morning’ to my children or ask them ‘ How are your studying in the school?’ when they return from the school, the children feel proud of their father. Because of better communication and that too in English, passenger comfort level ahs gone up and they give good monetary reward also. He requested Dr. Chordiya, President of Suryadatta Group of Institute to conduct next level course in near future.

This was a unique occasion of confluence of one class of labour (Dabbawala) with another (Railway Porters). ‘Dignity the name is Labor’

Suryadatta City students organize rally at gate to spread 'Clean India, Healthy India' Awareness

The ‘Social Management Philosophy’ of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune, enunciates its commitment to help all people achieve health and happiness by working as an integral member of society, by sharing values and by offering new values to society through various activities. As these serious social issues cannot be solved solely by those directly involved and require initiatives by the whole of society the expectations towards institutions are also raising in this context. To commemorate Gandhi Jayanti, Suryadatta’s students organized a rally on ‘Clean India Healthy India’ theme. It was an initiative towards creating an awareness which coincided with the ‘Clean India Project’ inaugurated by PM Shri Narendra Modi on the same day. The rally was flagged off by two freedom fighters namely Shri Shivaji Sambhaji Jindum and Shri Ranganath Balaji Sonawne along with Prof. Dr. S B Chordiya: Chairman Suryadatta Education Foundation & other dignitaries from Ahmadnagar from Delhi Gate. The rally went through Chitale road, Kapad bazaar, Surjepura and reached back to Delhi gate. The rally had a gathering of 300 people. 250 Highly Energetic students of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune, were joined by 50 local citizens. The students, with full enthusiasm, were creating awareness about the theme, through placards and pictures in their hands having various nationalistic slogans written on them viz., “Go Green”, “Save earth, Save Our Planet”, “Be Seen To Be Green” The highly motivated students of Suryadatta were also shouting the slogans like – Our India- Clean India, Our State- Clean State, Our City – Clean City, Our Home- Clean Home for creating responsiveness for the cause. The rally was a grand success. Students of Suryadatta presented a “Street Play “based on the same theme at various places during the rally & the response of the citizens was extremely encouraging. Many citizens joined the rally enroute. The two freedom fighters namely Shri Shivaji Sambhaji Jindum, age 85 years and Shri Ranganath Balaji Sonawne, age 75 years, were felicitated by Dr. S B chordiya . Mr. Jindam Under the leadership of Swami Ramanand Tirthankar participated in Hyderabad ‘Mukti Sangram’ in 1945 & was imprisoned for 2 years. Mr. Sonawne participated in Goa Mukti Sangram under the leadership of Barrister Nath Pai in 1963 & was Imprisoned & brutally tortured by Portugese police force. Mr. Avinash Dharmadhikari who is voluntarily working for the association of Freedom fighters of Nagar introduced them to the students. The freedom fighters urged Dr. S B Chordiya to start an educational institute of Suryadatta Pune’s status in Ahmadnagar. On this occasion the Founder President & Chairman of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya said that the concept of making Earth a better place to live in, is what should be the mission of every citizen today. The rally on ‘Clean India Healthy India’ theme was an initiative towards changing the attitudes towards Environmental issues advocating partnership to ensure all nations and people enjoy a safer and more prosperous future. The people of Ahmednagar appreciated the initiative of Suryadatta Group of institutes, Pune for coming all the way from Pune for such a noble cause. Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune, heartily acknowledged the presence of the freedom fighters and the police officers for their untiring support.

Suryadatta Defining 'Women Empowerment' by orgnizing Bakery Workshop for Rural women & forming 'Self Help Group'

Suryadatta Group of Institutes in past 17 years has made a niche for itself as one of the leading organization in education sector. Its awareness towards CSR is exemplary. Suryadatta Group of Institutes has organized multiple special programs for women empowerment & thousands of women from the deprived class of society are benefitted by it, by being financially independent. Some of the programs organized by Suryadatta for women are ‘ Tailoring & Fashion Designing’, ‘Making of 36 types of Spices’, ‘ Jam & Jelly making classes’, ‘ Jewellary Designing classes, Basic IT Classes, Health Checkup Camps, for women of rural areas etc. These programs have proven as a blessing for the women as many of them have formed the self help groups or have become individual entrepreneur. Some of them have gone for an employment as a skilled worker in respective industry sector. On 29th November 2014, Suryadatta College of Hospitality Management, Travel & Tourism, SCHMTT, organized full day workshop with practicals, on Bakery for women of Bavdhan Budruk village, as the college is situated in that village. The response to the workshop was highly encouraging and 20 women got detail training on baking of cookies, bread & cakes of different types.

While inaugurating the workshop Mrs. Sushama Chordiya, Secretary of Suryadatta Group of Institutes and the brain behind CSR activities, told the participants that it is very essential for women, especially from rural areas, to be financially independent to enhance their family status in the society and their own status in family. Today is an era of equality of genders but still there is a lot of injustice with & atrocities on women especially in rural & backward areas. If the women from such areas become financially independent, they would be powerful & the society will look upon them with respect which they deserve.Certificates of completion of Bakery workshop for basic skills in Baking were awarded to all the participants by Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, Founder President & Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes. He gave ‘Mantra of Magic’ to these participants. He told them not to underestimate the women power. They are not only mother, wife & sister but now entrepreneurs also. The step taken by womenkind to get professionally skilled has taken them to higher level than men. He said every housewife is the ‘Best Manager’ of each family, as she manages finances, social & family responsibilities which man alone can never handle.Mrs. Vandana Malhotra, Principal, Suryadatta College Of Hospitality Management, proposed vote of thanks and reaffirmed institute’s commitment by promising the participants to organize a higher level of Bakery workshop for the same participants, as requested by them in near future. Mrs. Sheetal Dagade, one of the participants told other participants that this workshop has opened ‘Trinity’ options for them. To get a job in bakery, to start self business or to make a group & take this hobby on professional level. Another participant Mrs. Deepali Sutar, quipped, “This workshop has given me the key of winning appreciation of my family members as I will feed them now with homemade cookies & cakes. Really, the way of love to heart is through stomach.”

Suryadatta Group of Institutes organized Free Health Check and Blood Donation Camp on Monday 7th November, 2011 from Morning 9.00 AM to 2.00 PM.

Every year Suryadatta Group of Institutes conducts Blood Donation Camp / Health Awareness program in theirall group institutes as a part of Edu -Socio Initiative. Suryadatta Group of Institutes is keen on undertaking various social and human initiatives for the betterment of the society and life in general. Suryadatta in consultation with renowned eye specialist and diabetes specialists organized a free health check up camp & 2nd Blood Donation Camp in this semester.

It was merely not just the check up camp, but was supported by awareness sessions on the relevant topic. The camp was conducted on Monday 7th November, 2011 at Mhatre Bridge Campus, Pune between 9 am to 2 pm at Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Bavdhan Campus Survey Number 342, Patilnagar, Behind DSK Ranwara, near Lalani Quantum Bawdhan, Pune 21.

The Health Camp comprised of:

Dr. Madhusudan Jhamwar, renowned eye specialist and social worker addressed the audience on the topic of “The Eye Care awareness”. He mentioned about How to take Care of Eyes, Precautionary Measures, awareness tips & importance of Eye Donation. He also gave power point presentation

Dr. Abhay Mutha renowned diabetologist delivered a speech on the diabetes diagnosis prevention, care, awareness & precautionary measures to prevent diabetes etc.

The camp was held in the presence of Founder President & Chairman, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya who guided the volunteers and expressed his views on the “ Edu – Socio Connect”, Unique initiatives of Suryadatta Education Foundation.

Students from all campuses of Suryadatta Students, parents of students, Faculty & staff of Suryadatta group were present in large numbers for the said program. Senior citizens from “ Matoshri” and parents were also present on the special invitation as the topic of the seminars were apt for them also. People from nearby societies were also present for the program. This camp proved to be a tool for building awareness & positive approach towards health amongst all the members present for the camp and inculcated social spirit / awareness among the young budding managers.

This was the second blood donation camp arranged in the span of last 3 months. @ 52 students / faculty members donated their blood on 7th November 2011.

All the doctors, their team members appreciated the efforts taken by the institute and their students.

Blood Donation Camp organized by Students of Suryadatta on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

The students of Suryadatta, Bavdhan Campus organized Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti at Suryadatta’s Bavdhan Campus on 2nd October 2011. This drive was organized keeping in mind our corporate social responsibility and tradition.

The blood donation camp was very well received with faculty members as well as students who participated in this camp. All the students were very enthusiastic about the camp. The blood was first tested for the required hemoglobin levels and then the donors were allowed to donate their blood. Trained professional from Poona Hospital were present for the camp. They first checked the vital signs of the donors and then started the blood donation drive. There were 34 bottles of blood collected. The blood was donated to Poona Hospital Blood Bank. Mr. & Mrs. Dilip Navlakkha were present as chief guests on this occasion, along with Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes and Mrs. Sushma Chordiya, Vice President, Suryadatta Group of Institutes.

The camp was held at the Bavdhan Campus on Sunday, 2nd October 2011, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Suraydatta has been holding such camps regularly from the last 7 years. Such camps are aimed at educating students on the crucial need for healthy voluntary blood donors, the absolute safety of the process of donating blood and the noble action of saving lives through voluntary blood donation.

Khasdar, Supriyatai Sule guides and promotes the Financial Independence for women, an initiative of Suryadatta Group of Institutes in Association with Shiv Shakti Tarun Mandal.

The women Reservation Bill is still not being passed by the Parliament and it still lies under a cloud of debate, but this is not deterrent for Rashtravadi Congress Youth leaders and female members, who have initiated various programs for the rural women without taking financial aid from the government.

Founder President & Chairman of Suryadatta Group Of Institutes, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya has played a major role in organizing short courses in fashion technology for these women, in various locations in Pune and also dedicating staff from Suryadatta for the courses. Bavdhan Budruk, is a small village just on the outskirts of Pune. Though it is now considered a part of Pune City with its high rise buildings, townships etc., and this development is being limited to the people with financial status. The locals are still deprived of good facilities and jobs, with many leading a hand to mouth existence. This scenario has led President , Youth Rashtravadi Congress, Pune and Panchayat Member (Bavdhan Bk) member Shri Kiran Dagade to start free tailoring and fashion technology classes for women in Bavdhan in association with Suryadatta Institute of Fashion Technology (SIFT). Till now at least 500 women have benefited from this initiative.

As a culmination of this course the women had held an exhibition of clothes tailor by them on the 20th July, 2011, at Suryadatta Bavdhan Campus. This exhibition was blessed by the presence of Khasdar Supriyatai Sule. On this occasion she explained the benefits and importance of packaging & finishing. Supriyatai Sule also requested all the eminent personalities who were present to provide these ladies with opportunities for the sale of their goods. She also touched a very sensitive topic of female feticide & infanticide and explained the need to stop and oppose these practices.

On this occasion Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya explained all the various edu -socio activities which have been started for women by Suryadatta Institutes. Shri Kiran Dagade also announced the forthcoming courses for ladies like making beauty products & spices, before thanking all the dignitaries present.

Also present on this occasion were Savitabai Dagade (Z.P President), Shri Babanrao Dagade (ex-Sarpanch), Vaishali Kamble (Sarpanch), Bavdhan Budruk. The program ended with a thought that such programs should be started in every village so that we can become the India which Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of.

Suryadatta plays mentor to Rickshaw Drivers and Housewives

Completes its 2nd Batch of Free English Speaking & Computer Awareness Programme for Auto Rickshaw Drivers & Housewives

Felicitation ceremony organised on the occasion of completion of 2nd batch in English learning & computer skills at Sahitya Parishad, Tilak Road, 11 am.

On the completion of the course, certification was given to all 80 Auto Drivers and housewives.

Felicitation done at the hands of Shri Baba Adhav, President of Rickshaw Panchayat & Shri Jayant Umranikar, former Pune Police commissioner.

Next batch of 80 Rickshaw Drivers to commence from Saturday, July 9, 2011, for six months.

Learning is an ongoing process, which has nothing to do with age. Whether you are four or you are forty, you are always keen to learn something new. Drawing inspiration from this, Suryadatta launched its 2nd batch of English speaking & Computer awareness programs offered voluntarily to Auto Rickshaw Drivers & Housewives free of cost.

This training programme for a batch of 80 persons, comprising 40 auto rickshaw drivers and 40 housewives, started in January 2011 and completed successfully on June 24, 2011.

On this occasion, Mr. Sanjay Chordiya, Chairperson, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, said, “In the 21st century, knowledge of English and the ability to converse in English is a necessity rather than the need of time. The response to the programme was tremendous from both rickshaw drivers and housewives, and we are awarding certificates to 80 candidates of this programme.”

Certificates were distributed to those who have successfully completed the programme at the hands of Shri Baba Adhav, President of Rickshaw Panchayat & Shri Jayant Umranikar, former Pune Police commissioner, and Shri Deepak Shikarpur, who were present as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively.

Shri Jayant Umranikar said, “Women are the backbone of the family system, yet their education remains neglected most of the time. Nowadays, English has become a common language for communication. Dr. Sanjay Chordiya has always been ahead in undertaking such social initiatives. This initiative by an educational institute will help our society go ahead and keep pace with time.”

Shri Baba Adhav said, “Rickshaw drivers always aspire to learn these skills but most of the time cannot make it either due to financial or time constraints, or even both. But by offering these courses free of charge, Suryadatta has not only provided a helping hand to them but also awakened their learning spirit. I congratulate Suryadatta for this innovative and useful activity.”

Shri Deepak Shikarpur said, “With globalization, everything is becoming high-tech. English speaking and Computer learning is the need of the hour. And hence Suryadatta started this initiative of offering this training to various communities of society in a row. Suryadatta is getting an overwhelming response to it.

A housewife is the life and blood of the family. Her role in the family is the same as the heart and brain in the human body. A learned and trained housewife can bring health, happiness, soundness, and satisfaction to the family in all respects and facets of life. One such family into many such families will go a long way in building a developed society and nation. Suryadatta has taken one such initiative to train and impart learning to this vital element of society.

The English Speaking course comprised of:

  • Basic Grammar
  • Words and Sentences formation for daily usage
  • Writing English with different situational examples
  • How to speak clearly so that the other person understands

While the IT/ Computer skills course comprised of:

  • Introduction to computers
  • MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, Notepad, Calculator, Calendar
  • Basic Usage of computers for office and home

In the past, Suryadatta has trained more than 2000 school children, 120 Auto Rickshaw Drivers, 500 women, and 100 senior citizens. Senior citizens started communicating with their children abroad with the help of knowledge of Computer, Internet, and the English language. They also started talking to their grandchildren in English, which was up till then a little difficult for them.

Auto rickshaw drivers who completed the training in the first batch are now working as guides to the passengers coming to Pune and can communicate with them in English. Taking inspiration from them, the second batch had enrolled prior to the completion of the training program of the first batch itself. And on completion of the first batch, the second batch followed immediately.

Suryadatta celebrated Womens Day in truly international way

Tailoring and Fashion Designing education at Suryadatta Group of Institutes were felicitated to mark this occasion. Generally the Diploma in fashion designing takes one year to complete but at Suryadatta, these 200 women completed it in just two months, that too free of cost. They did it from Monday to Sunday, 3 to 4 hours daily. Mrs. Rajeshwari Deshpande, an experienced faculty from Suryadatta trained the ladies in Hand Embroidery, Fashion Designing, Ladies Garments stitching and all kind of stitching from Infants to grandmothers. Stitching is taught first on Papers and then on material, more focus being on paper cutting and stitching on paper.

The course was conducted in Dhankawadi and the next course is starting from 10th March in Suryadatta’s Bavdhan Campus for the women in that area. These ladies received formal certification and an exhibition of more than 200 stitching patterns done by them, has been organized in Durvankur Hall Dhankawadi. This Felication was done at the hands of Pramila Sankala, Leading Social worker, Ms.Savita Dagade, Jillha Parishad Sabhapati and Mr.Kiran Dagade, NCP Youth Congress Vice President Pune.

Seminar for educating people to oppose and stop Female foeticide arranged by Suryadatta Group of Institutes

A seminar for educating people to oppose & stop Female foeticide was arranged by Suryadatta Group of Institutes in association with Dhankawadi , Maharashtra Navnirman Sena on the 25 July 2011 at Usha Palace, Dhankawadi, Teen hatti Chowk, Pune.

This event was attended by Executive Editor General Secretary, Maharashtra NavNirman Sena Shri. Anil Shidore, Actress Usha Chavhan, Founder President & Chairman of Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Prabhag Samiti President Shri Vasant More, Sandip Mohite Patil, Jyoti Konde, Sudhir Nivgune and Vishal Thopte.

The chief guest for this seminar was renowned social Worker Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, who expressed her thoughts on this topic saying that the world is changing rapidly and the women have to face all the challenges with a brave heart. She said that father evokes fear while a mother evokes pain. She also said that girls should not expose as it does not fit into our Indian culture. A thought put forward was that a girl is more patient and can take hardships better than a boy and urged all present not to underestimate women. She also said that we cannot take our generation forward without women, so if there are no women there wont be anyone in the world.

Prof. Dr Sanjay Chordiya also spoke on this occasion. He stated that the boy:girl ratio is 1000:800 which is a very alarming scenario. He gave examples of Smt. Sindhutai Sapkal, Kalpana Chawla, women who have made us proud and said that with such examples in front of us thinking about female feticide is certainly not acceptable. He said that for the complete development of our nation it is necessary that women from our nation give birth to children and teach them to become good and responsible citizens.

Since this has been the hot topic of the day and its awareness has become the need of the hour, Suryadatta supported this initiative of MNS. Suryadatta has successfully completed programs to enable women to become financially independent like Fashion design Courses, Beauty Parlour courses. Suryadatta is currently conducted classes for women where they are taught to create 36 various spices.

This awareness program was attended by over 1000 women.

Students from PIAT pledged their support to Shri Anna Hazare Janlokpal Movement

It was a great opportunity for our students to pledge their support to to Shri Anna Hazare’s “Janlokpal Movement” through a visit to his native “ Ralegaon Siddhi”.

Students of Suryadatta Education Foundation’s PIAT – pursuing Interior Designing course went on a field trip to Shri Anna Hazare’s Ralegan Siddhi to visit the “Ideal Village” on the 18th August, 2011.

Around 200 students and 6 faculty members from PIAT went on this field trip. Students first visited the “Information Center”, checked the awards received by Shri. Anna Hazare and the development in progress in the village. They also visited the “Padmavati Mandir”. Students visited the “Yadavbaba Mandir” where Shri Anna Hazare currently resides.

This excursion helped the students to know about the “Ideal Village” project and they could learn more about Shri Anna Hazare and his movement to fight corruption.

All students who visited Ralegaon Siddhi were highly motivated to support the movement of Shri Anna Hajare and were talking high to fight against corruption. Students from PIAT pledged their support to Shri Anna Hazare’s “Janlokpal Movement” and also expressed their opinions to the various media representatives present.

Suryadatta Group of Institutes organized Blood Donation Camp

Every year Suryadatta Group of Institutes conducts Blood Donation Camp in their all group institutes as a part of Edu -Socio Initiative. Suryadatta Group of Institutes is keen on undertaking various social and human initiatives for the betterment of the society and life in general.

The camp was conducted last week in association with Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital at Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Bavdhan Campus, Pune, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya Founder President & Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune who guided the volunteers and expressed his views on the “ Edu – Socio Connect”, Unique initiatives of Suryadatta Education Foundation. Such camps are aimed at educating students on the crucial need for healthy voluntary blood donors, the absolute safety of the process of donating blood and the noble action of saving lives through voluntary blood donation.

The blood donation camp was very well received with faculty members as well as students who participated in this camp. All the students were very enthusiastic about the camp. The blood was first tested for the required hemoglobin levels and then the donors were allowed to donate their blood. Trained professional from Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital were present for the camp. They first checked the vital signs of the donors and then started the blood donation drive. There were 70 bottles of blood collected. The blood was donated to Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital Blood Bank.

All the doctors, their team members appreciated the efforts taken by the institute and their students & given the certificates to each blood donor.

Walkathon and Bone Density Measurement Camp

Walkathon & Bone Density Measurement Camp on the Occasion of “World Arthritis Day” at Suryadatta Bavdhan Campus .

World arthritis day: 14th October 2013 was meaningfully celebrated by the staff & students of Suryadatta Group of Institutes,Pune by organizing a walkathon in Bavdhan, to create awareness regarding health of the bones which normally remains neglected. In this noble task, the doctors & staff of Sancheti Institute of Orthopedics, Pune also joined the rally of 400 students carrying banners, appealing the citizens to say goodbye to bone ailments, along with staff of Suryadatta & doctors from Sancheti Hospital, volunteers of Kiran Dagade Krida Sankul, Bavdhan was welcomed by the citizens at various points of the walkathon path.

The rally concluded at Suryadatta Institute’s Bavdhan campus where Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya addressed the gathering regarding ‘Healthy Body for Healthy Soul… abode of God’. Doctors from Sancheti Hospital organized a day long camp in Suryadatta’s Bavdhan campus for Bone Density Testing and Bone related health issues. More than 100 residents of Bavdhan village including staff members of Suryadatta Group of Institutes at Bavdhan, took benefit of this camp. Shri. Kiran Dagade: Upasarpanch of Bavdhan Panchayat played important role for motivating the residents of Bavdhan to utilize this opportunity for diagnosis of joint pain, backache & bone related health problems.

This was a day for local people to know how strong their bones are.

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