Conferences & Developement Programs

National Conference on “Contemporary Trends in Management and Information Technology”

National Conference on “Contemporary Trends in Management and Information Technology” national conf 1 national conf 2

Two days National Conference on ‘Contemporary Trends in Management and Information Technology’ sponsored by Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) under Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) was conducted on 15th & 16th February, 2018. The conference was inaugurated by Mr. Prasad Mahale, Vice President, Indian Card Clothing, Pune. In his inaugural speech, he introduced and emphasized different values like Customer Centricity, Accountability, Respect, Diversity, Innovation, Nurture, Growth, Sustainability, Agility, Time Management, Teamwork, Talent, Dedication, Determination, Ubiquity etc.

The next speaker was Mr. Samir Kukade, Director, HR, Lear Corporation, Pune. His topic was ‘Management Challenges in Challenging Markets ’. He asked students to be well prepared to engage themselves in four Careers, especially, on the background of challenging emerging markets. He also explained the importance of the two concepts namely, Artificial Intelligence, Job Transformation, Job Attrition, etc.

The next speaker was Mr. Gaurav Ambedkar, who is the Corporate Trainer. His topic was ‘Path for Todays Managers for Tomorrow’. He spoke about the Man and the Robots. He guided the students about their roles and responsibilities to be discharged in future.-

The last speaker for first day was Mr. Santosh Talghatti who is the Management Consultant. His topic was ‘Change Management for Successful Results in Digital Technology’. He spoke about the need for Change Management and guided students as to how to be successful in the era of Digital Technology. The second Day, Friday, 16th February, 2018 started with the speech of Mr. Sumit Bulakh, Associate Manager, Accenture, Pune. His topic was ‘Human Interaction and Digitalization’. He spoke about the need and importance of Human Interaction in the world of Digitalization.

The last speaker of the conference was Prof. S .K. Verma. His topic was ‘Global Trends in Information Technology’. Through his speech, he acquainted the students with varying Global Trends in Information Technology as on today and he also predicted some future trends. He discussed about Distributor Denial of Service Attack, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Autonomous Cars.

One day workshop on ‘Power of Subconscious Mind’

Navin Parekh motivates students through his ‘Power of Subconscious Mind’, workshop

The Suryadatta Group of Institutes had organized an interesting and informative one day workshop on “Power of Subconscious Mind”, conducted by Sunil Parekh, an International Success Coach & Mind Power Expert, on 30th November, 2017. More than 100 participants including students & all the faculties of Suryadatta Group of Institutes attended the workshop.

“The Mind Power Unlimited” session by Sunil Parekh was very helpful to the audience, to unleash the potential of their brain by tapping the power of the mind. “Human Brain is an immensely powerful machine, which is capable of processing huge & diversified information better and faster than any supercomputer would. However, it has been proved that human beings do not use their brain to its full potential and as they age the percentage of the brain they use keeps decreasing. Most of this is due to the domesticated lifestyle that we tend to lead where we seldom go around exploring the potential of the brain”, explained Parekh.

During the workshop the participants learnt various innovative methods of handling problems by boosting the creativity. The participants also learnt various techniques to master the cutting-edge mind tools and technologies to overcome roadblocks, and for negotiations. Participants learnt various tools to stay focused, to connect with subconscious mind and to stay positive to attain the goal. The emphasis of the lecture was on the use of the power of subconscious mind to attain the goals one desire for one-self.

“Our institutes offer the best in terms of not just academics, state-of-art infrastructure, a sprawling campus to our students, but we also pay attention to their holistic development”, says Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chordiya, Chairperson, Suryadatta Group of Institutes.

"Workshop on “Capital Market Awareness & Investor Education Program” by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) & Lotus Knowlwealth (LKW)"

“Capital Market Awareness & Investor Education Program” by Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) & Lotus Knowlwealth (LKW) for MBA-I, MBA II & PGDM students on, Saturday, 23th September, 2017.

Following points were discussed in the workshop:

  • Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
  • Founded as The Native Stocks & Share Brokers Association in 1875
  • Largest number of listed companies….. 5,900+
  • 7th largest exchange in Asia in terms of Market Capitalization
  • 8th Largest Exchange in World – number of trades in Equity Shares
  • S&P BSE SENSEX is traded internationally on the EUREX as well as leading exchanges of the BRCS nations
  • Purpose of Securities Market:
  • Companies raise resources through public issues
  • Buyers and sellers enter into transactions and make a profit or loss
  • Components of Securities Market
  • Bonds, Stocks, Mutual Funds, Derivatives of securities (Futures, Options)
  • Financial Derivatives and Commodity Derivatives
  • Primary (IPO) and Secondary Market
  • BSE Market Offerings
  • Cash Market
  • Derivatives
  • Currency Derivatives
  • Interest Rate Derivatives
  • Debt Market segment
  • ETFs/Mutual Funds
  • BSE SME Platform
"The Suryadatta Group of Institutes has organized and conducted a Workshop for all teaching staff members on “PEO’s, CEO’s and COs”

The Suryadatta Group of Institutes has organized and conducted a Workshop for all teaching staff members on “PEO’s, CEO’s and COs”. Workshop was conducted by Mr. R. K. Agarwal and assisted by Mr. Nimish Miglani, New Delhi. 24 staff members were present for the session. Mr. R. K. Agarwal has given information regarding PEO, CEO and CO in accreditation process of NAAC and NBA and its importance. He has taken practicals for each course for MBA and PGDM. Faculty members participated and made PEO and CEO and Cos of their respective subjects. He emphasized on the quality process and its importance.

Session was concluded by question and answer session where queries were asked by faculty members and Mr. R. K. Agarwal has satisfied all queries with explanation and examples.

At the end, Dr. S. G. Soni delivered vote of thanks on behalf of all participants and SGI.

The Suryadatta Group of Institutes has organized and conducted a Workshop for Teaching & Non teaching staff members on “Quality Excellence Through Accreditation”

The Suryadatta Group of Institutes has organized and conducted a Workshop for Teaching & Non teaching staff members on “Quality Excellence Through Accreditation” on Wednesday, 12th July 2017. Workshop was conducted by Mr. Nimish Miglani, New Delhi. 25 staff members were present for the session. Mr. Nimish Miglani has given information regarding accreditation process of NAAC and NBA and its importance. He emphasized on the quality process and its importance. Session was concluded by question & answer session where queries were asked by faculty members and Mr. Nimish Miglani has satisfied all queries with explanation & examples.

At the end, Dr. S. G. Soni delivered vote of thanks on behalf of all participants and SGI.

"Suryadatta Group Institutes and Global IT Commune jointly organized National IT Conference on 27th Feb 2016 at SGI Bavdhan, Pune"

To focus on emerging trends in Software Engineering and Technology, Suryadatta Group of Institute (SGI) and Global IT Commune (GIC) had jointly organized a National IT Conference recently. On the occasion, Suryadatta has conferred IT Excellence Award 2016 to 19 renowned IT professionals from various IT sectors/ companies for their immense contribution in the field of IT.

‘The annual conference was organized with a main motto to bridge the gap between academia and industry and keep student managers and future IT Professionals to align with the fast changing technical landscape’, informed >Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, Chairman, Suryadatta Education Foundation, Pune.

Present on the occasion were Chief Guest Maninder Singh Bitta, Chairman, All India Anti Terrorism Front along with bigwig of IT Industry Prasad Deore, Director Nasscom; Dr. Shankar Ramamoorthy, Director, Amdocs; Rajneesh Malviya, AVP -Infosys & Centre Head ( Pune DC); Shailendra Jha, vice-president, Cap Gemini; Sanjeeb Kumar Patjoshi, IPS, ADG, & Director Vamnicom; Sunil Avhad, Director, Igate; Anant Varade, Sr. VP & Head, Enterprise Services, Dr. Sharat Airani, Director, Intellinet; Poonam Jain, Manager, Tieto Software Technologies Ltd.

Bitta expressed his concern over how terrorists and people with criminal mindset are using social media to create cyber war as a new mean to spread hatred and discontentment amongst gullible people. Instead of reacting sharply or getting carried away by such content, every person should use their own senses to judge the things. He further said that there is an urgent need to understand the latest technologies to curb the menace. Along with the military people, civilians are equally responsible for overcoming terrorism, he added.

More than 400 students, 50 IT Professionals, 50 Faculty and staff members attended the conference.

Global reform in Landscape of Higher Education says Prof. Susheel Sharma Associate Dean and a Professor of Information Systems (IS) in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University (BSU), United States (USA)

Suryadatta Group of Institutes recently organized a Faculty Development Program (FDP) for its Teachers at its Bavdhan Campus. A cross section of faculties and teacher drawn from Suryadatta National School, Junior College, Department of Business Management, Travel & Tourism Management and other Departments attended the programme.

Prof. Susheel Sharma Associate Dean and a Professor of information systems (IS) in the Miller College of Business at Ball State University, United States conducted the FDP. Prof Sharma is an alumnus of BITS-Pilani and Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IIML). Prof. Sharma has a unique distinction of having earned two doctoral degrees. He has over 10 years of administrative leadership experience and more than 25 years of experience in higher education. A Leadership Fellow in Higher Education at Harvard University’s Management Development Program, he has co-authored/edited/co- edited twelve (12) books and published over 240 manuscripts including over eighty (80) refereed journal articles in some of the best journals in his field. His primary research interests are in information systems security, e-Learning, e-Government, computer-mediated communications, human computer interaction (HCI) and community and social informatics. Prior to joining the faculty at Ball State, he was a visiting research associate professor at the Department of Management Science at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He has taught several graduate and undergraduate courses on a variety of subjects including database management, ERP systems (SAP), electronic commerce, computer and network security, management information systems, systems analysis and design, distributed data processing systems, computer networking, and other information systems related subjects. He has earned recognition for his teaching and research and has been a recipient of the Miller College of Business ‘Extra Ordinary Year Award’ for three consecutive years (2003, 2004, & 2005), Outstanding Researcher of the Year Award at the university level (2006-2007), Outstanding Researcher of the Year at Miller College of Business (2008) and Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award at the university level (2008-2009). Prof Sharma has served as a consultant and advisor to numerous companies and organizations including World Bank funded projects. He, currently serves as editor-in- chief of The International Journal of E-Adoption. He has been a reviewer and member of the editorial boards for several national and international journals. He has travelled worldwide and lectured in several business schools around the globe in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and North America. While focusing his talk on theme “Changing Landscape of Higher Education”, he interacted with faculties and shared his vast experience on how learning process takes place in western countries.

Deliberating on what are the expectations from a Professor/Teacher, he mentioned that a Professor/Teacher is expected to contribute in three areas namely Teaching, Research and Service to Students. He emphasized on 3 Cs as indicator for changing landscape of higher education: Connectism, Constructism, and Collaboration. Through connectism, he emphasized on strong bonding of instructors and students as one cohesive unit which learns together to acquire knowledge. Through Constructism, he highlighted how an instructor now has to take the role of facilitator. Through collaboration, he shared his opinion how students and faculties can create learning committees to mutually gain from each other through lot of research. He encouraged the faculties to take up lots of research activities, and share the same with their students. He asked the faculties to be a catalyst for students in terms of igniting the creativity and challenge their limits. Keeping in mind the globally competitive scenario, Suryadatta Group of Institutes is exploring the possible foreign collaborator and in this context, would pursue such collaboration further with Ball State University (BSU, USA).

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