Knowledge Management Initiative

Suryadatta National School Organised 7th District Level Science Exhibition "Inspired Award Manak Yojna" at Bavdhan from 14 to 16 Feb 2018.

National Institute of Personal Management, Pune Chapter has organised HR Faculty Development Program “How to Teach Application Based HR in Classroom”

National Institute of Personal Management, Pune Chapter has organised HR Faculty Development Program “How to Teach Application Based HR in Classroom” on Sunday, 8th October 2017 & Monday 9th October 2017 from 9 am to 5 pm. The Program was inaugurated by Prof. Sanjay Dhande, IIT Kanpur & member of UGC, Dr. Nitin Karmalkar, Vice Chancellor, Savitribai Phule Pune University.

On first day of FDP there were sessions by eminent personalities from industry. First session was taken on Understanding Business Scenario with respect to HR Processes by Mr Sudhir Gogte, ED-Keihin FIE Pvt. Ltd. Pune. Next session was continued by Mr. Kuldip Joshi, HR Consultant on Training needs & types in Industry. Next topic of Talent Acquisition & Retention was conducted by Dr. S. V. Bhave, Director- HR & IR, Bharat Forge Ltd. Session on Performance Management System was conducted by Mr Sharad Gangal, Executive vice President HR, Admin, IR & Member of Executive Council, Thermax India Ltd. Concluding session was taken by Mr. Sameer Kukade, Director HR, Lear Corporation, Pune on Industrial relation with giving its importance & need for development of interpersonal relationships with some examples.

On second Industrial visits were arranged group wise. Our Group 3 was send to Kalyani Maxicon Wheels & Mahindra in Chakan, Pune Floor Shop visit was conducted with details of production process. An interaction session was conducted covering different HR policies of company like, Recruitment and selection, Training, Payroll & Attendance, Employee Engagement Program, CSR activities, PMS, etc.

Guest Lecture on “GST & its Implications” by CA Laukik Jain and CA Supriya Bhandari

The Suryadatta Institute of Management has organized Guest Lecture on GST and its Implication, for all MBA and PGDM students on Friday, 22nd September, 2017.

Following points were discussed in the lecture:

  • GST is stage wise destination based consumption tax.
  • Broad based and a single comprehensive tax levied on goods and services consumed in an economy.
  • To remove cascading effects of taxes this results into low cost of doing businesses.
  • Levied and collected on value addition at each stage of sale or purchase of goods or supply of services based on input credit method but without state boundaries.
  • Introduce uniform single tax across the supply chain.
  • Improvement in international cost competitiveness of indigenous goods and services.
  • Enhancement in efficiency in manufacture and distribution due to economies of scale.
  • The prices of commodities are expected to come down in the long run as dealers pass on the benefits of reduced tax incidence to consumers by slashing the prices of goods.

Speaker also told that what GST is offering:

  • Assessment of the impact of GST on different business functions
  • Evaluation of transitional impact on current business structure
  • Setting up and Implementation of new business model suitable under GST regime
  • Handholding post-implementation, Validation and Refinement of the operating model
  • Training to Accounts, Finance, Marketing and Supply Chain Team
  • Assistance to IT team in implementation of ERP
The Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication (SIMMC) has organized and conducted a Bridge Course, for MBA Seme "Guest Lecture by Ms. Bharati Beri, Head Advertisement and Sales, Aaj Ka Anand Group, Pune

Ms. Bharati Beri, Head Advertisement and Sales, Aaj Ka Anand Group, Pune has discussed following points on Soft Skills: How It Is Linked with Your Career and Importance of Practical Exposure”

  1. Communication Skills- It is not complete without listening.
  2. Listening Skills-Listen before you acts and take pointers from experienced one.
  3. Creativity- Be creative, innovative and unique
  4. Problem Solving- Be your own problem solver. In the corporate world this is one of the challenges faced by us. There is an Irony “Change is Constant”. To be in an organization learn to reduce expenses and increase productivity.
  5. Critical Thinking-There has to be lot of analytical thinking, be independent & take responsibility.
  6. Leadership- See good in people. Have team spirit.
  7. Collaboration- Work in groups. Ex- We can observe team efforts amongst ants carrying their food.
  8. Self-Confidence is the best soft skill.
  9. Adaptability- Whatever work is assigned to us, we should adapt to it.
  10. Information Technology- Technical knowledge is always backed up with soft skills.

Following Etiquettes were discussed

  1. How to shake hand- It should not be too tight or casual, it should be firm.
  2. Hair should be properly combed, it should not look shabby.
  3. Good dressing sense i.e. decent.
  4. Way of sitting should be proper.
  5. Must have table manners i.e. way you eat in public.
  6. Basically etiquettes are something which are very important for the corporate meetings.
  7. There is always learning while earning.
Guest Lecture by Prof. Col. Shishir Kumar discussed following points on Soft Skills & its importance in Self Management and enhancing interpersonal effectiveness.

Prof. Col. Shishir Kumar discussed following points on Soft Skills & its importance in Self Management and enhancing interpersonal effectiveness.

What are Soft Skills? :

Soft Skill is our internal strength and interpersonal relation with ourselves. Other way round, managing our relation with ourselves is soft skill. SOFT SKILLS are also known as PEOPLE’S SKILL. “Success depends on peoples’ skill.” Soft Skills persuade people to follow ones decision. Thus one must learn and build the command over soft skills.

Principles / Rules of Mastering Soft Skills

  1. Not black and white: Building soft skills completely depends on your own internal strength, no special rule is there with which you can master it except for yourself.
  2. Portable and valuable to any job and career: Nowadays, jobs and career demand soft skills as they are useful in communication and right conduct in any organization.
  3. On-going process: You can reach a level of competency in it but you can always encounter new situations or people that will test your soft skills and push you to learn more.

Important Soft Skills for Self Management:

  1. Self Growth: Be a good listener- known as emphatic listener. Always focus on self improvement. Identify your weakness and make programs to come out.
  2. Self Awareness: It shows how your actions are driven.
  3. Emotion Control: It implies to bring your emotions under control. This also consists of Embarrassment, Anger, Frustration, Ego, and Self Confidence.
  4. Stress Management: Stress is a very big issue in the corporate world. Managers are practicing how to manage this issue. One needs to overcome this to acquire better output and work efficiently.
  5. Forget and Forgive: We punish ourselves for the fault of others and also punish others on their faults. This has to be changed, as this may lead to negative attitude in the work.
  6. Persistance and Patience: Be patient while dealing with yourself and your work also have patience while working with others.

Important people’s skills for management

People’s skills = Communication skill + Body language

  1. Team Work – Together each earns more
  2. Core Competence- There is a cut-throat competition in business as well as cooperate.
  3. Interpersonal skill
  4. Meeting Skill
  5. Presentation Skill
  6. Management Skill- Deciding the objectives of the organization.
  7. Facilitating Skill- Facilitates the way you do the work.
  8. Selling Skill- Determines how professionally and skillfully you sell your products and create the need for your product among the masses.
  9. Leadership Skill- It focuses on one side character skill and the other side the knowledge skill of an individual. 12% domain knowledge + rest is leadership knowledge
  10. Mentoring and Coaching Skill-Tells about one should mentor himself for the life and coach himself for the performance in work.
  11. Self Projection
  12. Boss Management- Determines how we should manage our boss, by finding his area of strength and weakness. An employee must compliment his boss and help him in his own projection and skills in dealing with difficult situations is to identify and deal .Thus with respect to be a manager in a corporate, one needs to build and inculcate above mentioned soft skills.
The department of MBA has organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Careers in Marketing and International Business”

The department of MBA has organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Careers in Marketing and International Business” by Ms. Shivani Sharma, Marketing Communications Manager of Mercedes Benz, Pune on 9th September, 2017 at Radhakrishna Hall between 2:00 – 3:00 pm. The students of first and second year MBA attended the session. In her address, Ms. Shivani, stressed the importance of career management in corporate life and shared her expertise on how to prepare for an interview.

She highlighted “Researching the Company” an essential component of interview preparation, as you review the job description; consider what the company is seeking in a candidate. She insisted on making a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.

She discussed pre and post interview strategy and techniques, gave tips to students on how to successfully clear the interview. She also explained how to build positive working relationships with all the major stakeholders involved in the process. She requested students to follow comprehensive approach and not to miss on smallest of the details including grooming, body language, and voice modulation. She shared cases, real life examples and exercises which helped students to reduce anxiety and build confidence among them.

Induction and Orientation Training Program to Students for their career development and future planning

Induction and orientation program was conducted by Suryadatta Institute of Management and Mass Communication from 1st to 3rd August 2017. Well- known speakers addressed students for their career development and future planning. Director General Shishir Kumar addressed the students for their career planning. He said one should dream and be disciplined to achieve the goal. He explained what efforts one should take to achieve the goal. After Shishir Kumar Sir’s lecture, there was a lecture by Shamika Nair, Marketing Manager, Tech Mahindra on “Integrity and Professionalism in today’s dynamic corporate world”. She explained the marketing strategies and how, when and where they should be applied. After Shamika Madam’s lecture, CA Pranav Ozarde addressed the student’s on the subject “Career Opportunities in stock market”. He explained various terms like share, stock. He gave information about NSE (National Stock Exchange) BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange). He also explained how one can make a career in stock market and how to buy shares & to make money out of it. After lunch break the session resumed by Mr. Vimal Saxena, faculty Sinhgad Institute of Management with ice breaking event and Management games. After management games proficiency test for management students was carried out. First day was over after proficiency test. Second day of induction started with speech of Prof. Dr. Dhananjay Avasarikar. He guided the students on the subject “Guidance on Personality Development and Career building”. He explained what personality is and how to develop it. After the speech of Deshmukh Sir, Prof. Sushant Chatterjee addressed the students on the subject soft skills. He explained how one can develop the soft skills for his or her career development. After lunch break one movie on marketing was shown to the students named “Rocket Singh, Salesman of the year”, second day ended with this movie. Third day started with the speech of Mrs. Manju Kaushik, General Manager, Customer Engineering Cumins, Pune on the subject “Corporate culture verses career development”. She explained what corporate culture is and how it changes from one company to another. After lunch break Mr. U.B.Doke, ZF Steering Gear (I) Ltd. addressed the students on the subject “Corporate Expectations from MBA students”. He explained what the expectations of the corporate are and one should go about and improve his or her knowledge and skills. After this speech Prof. Dr. Sachin Napate addressed the students on the subject “Career Opportunities in stock market. This lecture was followed by speech of Dr. Shriprakash Soni, HOD MBA. He gave the information about academics. He introduced the teachers to the students and the subjects which they will be taking. Induction program ended with prize distribution. Prizes were distributed to first three groups who won the presentation competition.


Six Sigma Green Belt Training Program was conducted by Mr. Vinayak Dravid on 20th and 21st October 2016 for students pursuing PGDM. Mr. Vinayak Dravid has served with corporate, possessing decades of experience. Total of 16 students from 1st Semester, and 7 students from 3rd Semester have completed 2 days’ training program successfully. This Six Sigma Green Belt course is comprised of numerous sessions. Each session is a collection of related lessons and includes an interactive question answer sessions. Many of the lessons include interactive practice exercises. By completing this course of study, students gained a solid general knowledge of the theory, composition, and implementation of a Six Sigma initiative. Students were also trained to identify the analytical tools necessary to define, measure, analyze, improve, and control Six Sigma improvement projects. Students also learned team leadership and project management skills. The 2 day sessions used a mix of multimedia to present material, including slide shows, diagrams, and charts. Six Sigma training also prepares students for a leadership role. Once the Six Sigma Black Belt level is achieved, a person is not only educated on the methodologies of Six Sigma, he or she is prepared to become a change agent within their organization, leading efforts to improve processes and the quality of what is delivered to customers. This training program will help our students to understand the way operations are handled in corporate responsibilities, and how bigger challenges can be divided in small smart units and discover solutions.

"Follow safety rules and norms to avoid accidents and extend helping hand to the victims of accidents", appeals Police Inspector Mr. Mahesh Sartape to Suryadatta Students

Poona has become the fastest growing Metro city in India. Its progressed towards becoming a full fledged smart city with accelerated speed, is a boon but has brought woos like serious traffic hazards. Development has made human beings more robotic. Our sensitivity and sentiments are becoming blunt. Mr. Sartape, Young Police Inspector of Warje Police Station brought this point to the fore in the assembly of Suryadatta’s Students. He presented the statistics of the deaths in the road accidents which are much higher than the natural deaths.

He expressed his dissatisfaction for no use helmets by two wheeler riders and posed the question, why laws and rules are required for taking care of own safety? In fact pillion rider must use the helmet as in most of the two wheeler accidents, casualties are of pillion riders. He explained to the students that the growth of the vehicle population is alarming and therefore the infrastructural facilities such as Ambulance, Traffic police etc. find it difficult to cope up with the pressure of the work. He lauded the efforts of Suryadatta’s management in molding its students as a better human beings. He said, therefore it is must for Suryans to pledge that they would extend the helping hand to the victims of accidents instead of being mere spectators or the photographers at the accident spot. The major cause of two wheeler accidents is rash driving by the youth. He advised students to avoid rash driving because usually it results into crash. He also appealed the students to use the social media with the sense of responsibility and use this technology for generating and spreading positive messages in the society.

He and his colleague, Mr. Deepak Katale screened a movie titled “Helping hands” which made huge impact on the young minds of Suryadatta Students and staff alike. The film was about a family wherein birthday celebration of the only Son is on. They decide to go for a movie to mark the occasion. The son goes ahead on the two wheeler to book the tickets of the movie and rest of the family follows in the car. On his way to theatre hall the son meets with an accident and lies in the pool of blood, when the family’s car passes from the scenario, an old man from the crowd of the spectators, appeals to help him to take the victim to the hospital to save his life.

But the family declines as they are getting late for the movie and also has apprehension of upholstery getting spoiled due to blood stains of the victim. They did not see that the victim was their own son. After reaching to the theatre they find the son was nowhere in the sight and get the phone call of the unknown person from their son’s mobile that their son was in the hospital due to accident on the road and swinging between death and life. They rush to the hospital and find that doctors have managed to save the life of their son. As they begin to thank the team of doctors, for saving the life of their son, the doctors advise the family to thank the person who brought their bleeding son on time in the hospital and tell them, had that angle be not there they have lost their son forever. The moment they turn towards that helping hand, they realize that the person was nobody but the old man who was appealing to every by-passer of the car to help the victim of the accident without being related to the victim. The family overwhelmed with the feeling of guilt and shame pledges themselves of being helpful in the road accidents.

The presentation of the film was extremely emotional, technically almost flawless and acting wise superb. The film was produced, directed and acted by Mr. Mahesh Sartape himself.

At the end of his address he narrated a story of a small girl who was trying to save starfishes washed away at the seashore. He said even such small gesture elevates a Human being to the status of an Angle.

On behalf of Suryadatta Students, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Group of Institutes, Pune thanked and promised Mr. Mahesh Sartape, Police Inspector that Suryadatta Students will be in forefront in following the traffic rules and helping the victims of the accidents.

“Whatever you do in your life, do with passion and do not underestimate any work. Success will be at your door step” says Mr. Medge President of Mumbai Dabbawala Association, to more that thousand students of Suryadatta

Mr. R. D. Medge, President of Mumbai Dabbawala Association and his team members visited Suryadatta Group of Institute Bavdhan, Pune to conduct the Seminar on “Secrets of zero error in the Logistic Management by Mumbai Dabbawala”. The seminar was attended by more than a thousand students from the junior college, graduation courses and MBA & PGDM Management Study Program.

While introducing the Dabbawala Association, Prof.Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya informed the students that Mr. R. D. Medge and his team members are a like part of the big Suryadatta family and almost every year they are visiting Suryadatta Institute during the induction program to acquaint the students about their Functioning. He further said to the response thunderous applause that Mumbai Dabbawala’s are not delivering the Dabbas but happiness both to the giver and receiver of the Dabbas.

While Interacting with students Mr. Medge; the President of Mumbai Dabbawala Association unveiled the secrets of Success in simple words. He said, the Founder of this Association had started this work with passion and devotion. Success follows those who never underestimate any work and devote themselves to their Goal.

During his Keynote Address, he informed the students that Mumbai Dabbawala Association is 125 years old and could continue with huge success because of their unique coding system. The Coding is not only for Dabbas but the Dabbawalas are also identified by a “Tilak” on their forehead, Gandhi cap on their head and Tulsibeads mala chain around their neck.

The daily delivery and return transactions are approximately 4 lakhs and the maximum error ratio is 1 to 8 million. This is what required for being Six Sigma Organization. The average academic qualification of Dabbawala is 8th Standard and they work for 9 to 10 hours per day. Their hard work, discipline, punctuality, unity and co-ordination are the characteristics which has made this organization a unique one in the world in spite of low level of their education and medium economic standards.

The organization is now 5000 Dabbawalas. The Mumabi Dabbawala Association is worldwide acclaimed and has received many numerous accolades from presidents, princes and high dignitaries across the world.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. N.C. Sethia who told the students that Mumbai Dabbawala Association is itself an university for studying Supply Chain and Logistic Management. He appealed to the Management faculty students that they must do the casestudy of Functioning of Mumbai Dabbawala Association and a Few of them would be selected by Dabbawala during their summer project.

“Catch the right opportunity in life, never give up” said – Mr. Manish Gupta renowned Motivational Speaker to over 300 MBA-PGDM Students

Mr. Manish Gupta, who is beacon light to his followers and acknowledged business and life coach; recently conducted life skill session at Suryadatta Institute of Management, 300 MBA PGDM students were present.

Prof.Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya while introducing the Mr. Manish Gupta to students said that he is family member of Suryadatta Group. The lessons shared by him about his own experiences in the life will be of great importance to the students as they too can become wiser from such experiences. He further announced that Mr. Manish Gupta will interact with Suryadatta students more frequently so as to add sparkle in their journey towards being successful professional.

Mr. Manish Gupta was participating in the workshop, “Junoon- adding Enthusiasm in our lives and effective goal setting”.

During his address he unveiled the myriad experiences of his life and explained the students how he was educated and enlightened from each experience to raise the bar for achieving next objective of his life. He asked the students if he could do so and become a successful person why not each of the students follow the same suit?

Confidence and Hard-Work are the required characteristics for success. Only in the dictionary, the word PROFIT comes before WORK. In real life Profit always comes after Work that too Hard-Work. While facing the challenge it should be faced with smile as smile make things easier. Smile is master key to unlock the door of the journey towards success. We are blessed just only with one life and whatever we have to perform is to be performed NOW only. Wherever there are gaps in life, fill them up, you will be the force to be reckoned with. Everything can happen in life second time or many times except the Time. Cycle of the time can not be reversed by anyone. You are the owner of your own time. You have to take the responsibility of each minute spent and utilized by you. It is your future’s ownership and it is 100% yours. Those who take such ownership in their hands, never blame others or find the excuses for the failures. Time management is nothing but life management. Therefore do not allow the time to sleep away from your fist and get it wasted. Inculcate the habit of reaching your goal IN Time and not ON Time.

He also stressed to have lots of enthusiasm and determination while chasing our goal. Energy leads to enthusiasm and enthusiasm leads to vibrancy. He quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Nothing great was ever achieved in life without enthusiasm.”

He further explained the Growth Cycle in the life of professional personality. The Growth Cycle is divided in the four phases. The first phase is Learning phase. He advised the students to choose the first company of their career where they can learn a lot. Leaning phase is followed by the Leadership phase. The leadership phase can be lived well if one has leaned well. Then comes the Risk phase. Risk taking ability is proportionate to the leadership ability and Success is proportionate to the magnitude of the risk. However he cautioned that it not be blind risk. Risk phase leads to Wealth phase, both materialistic and spiritual.

After his lecture the students interacted with him. Many of them asked him how to get rid of inferiority complex or stage fright. He advised students not to run away from their weaknesses but to face them boldly. He told them to develop a positive, ‘Who cares?’ attitude (on others reaction). Students extracted a promise from Mr. Manish Gupta for his more visits to boost their morals during their this phase of life which is on threshold between Learning and Leadership.

Suryadatta’s Industry-Institute-Initiative- PGDM Students visited JNPT- Mumbai- The largest container port in India

Minimum 50% of practical Knowledge should be part of Academics says Prof. Dr. S. B. Chordiya to develop Globally Ready Professionals.

Suryadatta Institutes of Management, Bavdhan, Pune, organized Industrial visit for their PGDM students on 14th December 2015 to Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT), Mumbai as a part of their Edu-Socio Cultural Initiative & Industry Institute Interface Initiative.

The students were accompanied Senior faculty members of Suryadatta Group of Institutes.

Students were given detailed information regarding the activities undergone at the Port right from receiving the material from concerned Organizations till dispatch of material to the concerned country and the formalities and procedures undergone before final dispatch. Students were informed that Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust is the biggest container handling port in India whose major area of operation is to cater to the Container and Cargo Handling at the sea port. It was explained as to how the port is committed in meeting the needs and expectations of its customers and the nation by equipping itself with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. Also the various documentations involved in export and import like packing list, Letter of Credit, List of goods etc. were discussed in detail.

Brief description was also given regarding the following terminals of the port:

JNPCT (Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminal) NSICT (Nhava Sheva International Container Terminal) GTI (Gateway Terminals India) BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.)

Students also interacted with the Technical team members of the port who gave complete insight as to what all options are open for students who are interested to work in international business sector and how to go about it. While coming out of the port Students were shown the building of Jawaharlal Nehru Custom house from outside where all custom issues etc. are handled.

Suryadatta Group gives such kind of multiple and practical exposure to students while taking them for various industrial visits which is a part of their daily curriculum. These visits also help them to gain practical knowledge as compared to theoretical knowledge and enhances them to increase their confidence level. It also helps them to make up their mind in selecting their choice of sector for their future prospects.

Presentation by Mumbai Dabbawala on the occasion of Teachers Day at Suryadatta

On 5th September, Teachers Day was celebrated in a unique way, by organizing presentation by “Mumbai Dabbawallas”. The president of Navi Mumbai Dabbawalla Association Mr. Raghunath Medge and the Vice President Mr. Gangaram Talekar & Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President & Chairman, Suryadatta Education foundation Started the programme by lighting of the lamp & pooja of the “Dabba”.

While guiding the students Mr. Talekar, explained how the 5000 illiterate people work & provide tiffins to 2 lakh people everyday including students, employees & businessmen from last 120 years without a single day holiday or strike. Mr. Medge also explained the visit of Prince Charles to see the working of Mumbai Dabbawalas. He also put down the facts that “Mumbai Dabbawallas” have got various certifications like ISO, 6 Sigma without even giving a formal application. He explained the management practices of “Mumbai Dabbawalla” which are now being taught at various institutions, B-Schools, Seminars etc. Mr. Medge also explained the importance of their work saying that this is done with the intention of serving the people. He also stated that delivering the food prepared is not a simple task.

During the vote of thanks, Prof. Dr. Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President & Chairman, Suryadatta Education foundation asked them to share their emotional experiences which were then well put by Mr. Medge.

The program which lasted for nearly 90 minutes was very well received by the students who got information on topics like team work, time management, integrity towards work, supply chain management, organization behavior etc. A thought put forth by Mr. Medge “We owe something back to the society, hence we should always keep on doing some social work” touched one and all. This program was held in S.M.Joshi Hall, Pune at 10:00am.

Victory comes to those who believe in themselves, said Mir Ranjan Negi at Suryadatta event

The one-act play by Mir Ranjan Negi titled- ‘Gloom to Glory’ is based on the real life story of Mr Negi. The event- Asian Games 1982, in which he was wrongly accused of match-fixing, which turned his life upside down overnight, is the crux of the play. The emotional turmoil which he subsequently underwent and finally came out of it has been brilliantly portrayed by Mr Negi.

From this one-act play, Mr Negi sends a strong message to youngsters these days who easily succumb to pressures and commit suicide. “It was not easy for me, but I did not stop believing in myself and began worked even harder after that. My family and closest friends stood by me throughout this ordeal and supported me.”

Padma Shri MS. Sheetal Mahajan enlightened Suryadatta students and Rotarians with her adventurous journey on the Occasion of International Womens Day

Suryadatta Group of Institutes always appreciates the unique achievements of stalwarts from the different fields. One such celebrity Ms. Sheetal Mahajan, who has many world records to her credit made her presence to Suryadatta campus on the occasion of International Women’s Day. She has recently been conferred Padma Shri Award.

Suryadatta Group of Institutes and Rotary Club of Pune Gandhi Bhavan, felicitated Ms. Sheetal Mahajan for her exemplary adventurous world Record in the field of Para Jumping. Suryadatta award trophy was presented to her for excellence in the field of Sports.

She shared her adventurous journey during from her childhood days till being the receipient of Padma Shri. Her daring courage, dedication to wards the activities which she chose on her own, and her determination really inspired all the students, faculty and non teaching staff members of Suraydatta, who attended the function..

On the occasion, Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chordiya mentioned to the students that if they follow the tips given by Sheetal Mahajan, they will also become leaders in the respective field in the competitive Corporate world.

A National Level Seminar - Role of Strategic Planning in Organizational Transformation

*A National Level Seminar titled “Role of Strategic Planning in Organizational Transformation” was conducted by Suryadatta Institute of Business Management and Technology, Pune at its Bavdhan Campus under Quality Improvement Programme of University of Pune**

A Two-day Pune University National Level Seminar was organized under the initiative of Suryadatta Education Foundation’s, Suryadatta Institute of Business Management and Technology, Pune recently. The theme of the Seminar was “Role of Strategic Planning in Organizational Transformation”.

Faculty & Research Scholars from different management institutions and Faculty & Students of Suryadatta Institute of Management participated in this seminar.

The program was inaugurated with customary lighting of the lamp by Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Education Foundation, Dr Tapan Chatterjee, Senior Advisor, Deepak Fertilisers & Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, Pune, Prof. Dr.YS Vaishampayan, Director – Suryadatta Institute of Management and Mass Communication and Technology Prof. (Dr.) Pralay Kumar Ghosh, Programme Director with chanting of the Saraswati Vandana by the students of Suryadatta.

Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Education Foundation welcomed the participants and highlighted the needs of changing the mindset of oneself in tune with changing environment.

This was followed by the session of Dr Tapan Chatterjee who spoke on “Strategic Management – Perspectives and Concepts” citing several examples from corporate. He opined that Business is like riding a bi-cycle – Keep paddling or else it will Stop.

Mr Sanjay Runwal, Chairman, Runwal Constructions Group, Pune was the key note speaker for the seminar. While speaking on the theme of the seminar – Role of Strategic Planning in Organizational Transformation – he dwelt upon on similar concepts of transformation, namely Restructuring and Reengineering. He further highlighted the need and importance of Strategic Planning in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

The post-lunch session was devoted to paper presentations by various Research Scholars.

An array of Speakers from Industry and Academics addressed the participants on second day of the Seminar. Mr Sarang Bapat, Senior Executive working in USA made a presentation on “Personal Branding” citing several examples of individual brands. Dr A R Keskar, Advisor (Management Studies), DY Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, delivered a talk on “Strategic Planning for transformation of Academic Institutes”. Organisational Transformation: Beyond just another change program during turnaround, was the theme of presentation of Prof Ketan Gandhi, Reputed Management Consultant & Accredited Management Teacher. Dr S G Bapat, Recognized Guide for PhD in Commerce and Management spoke on Values of Brand in increasing Sale of Products.

The valedictory address was delivered by Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay B Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman, Suryadatta Education Foundation followed by a Vote of Thanks.

Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication in collaboration with Savitribai Phule Pune University is Conducting National Seminar On Emerging Opportunity in E-Commerce Business in India

To Know Click Here

Suryadatta Institute of Business Management & Technology in collaboration with Savitribai Phule Pune University is Conducting National Seminar On Roll Of Skill Development in Enhancing Employability

To Know Click Here

The department of MBA has organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Careers in Marketing and International Business” by Ms. Shivani Sharma, Marketing Communications Manager of Mercedes Benz, Pune on 9th September, 2017 at Radhakrishna Hall between 2:00 – 3:00 pm. The students of first and second year MBA attended the session. In her address, Ms. Shivani, stressed the importance of career management in corporate life and shared her expertise on how to prepare for an interview.

She highlighted “Researching the Company” an essential component of interview preparation, as you review the job description; consider what the company is seeking in a candidate. She insisted on making a list of the skills, knowledge, and professional and personal qualities that are required by the employer and are critical for success in the job.

She discussed pre and post interview strategy and techniques, gave tips to students on how to successfully clear the interview. She also explained how to build positive working relationships with all the major stakeholders involved in the process. She requested students to follow comprehensive approach and not to miss on smallest of the details including grooming, body language, and voice modulation. She shared cases, real life examples and exercises which helped students to reduce anxiety and build confidence among them.

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